IRCTC Tatkal Train Booking Timing, Charges & Refunds 2025

If you need to travel urgently and haven’t booked your tickets, IRCTC can help. It offers a Tatkal scheme that lets you book train seats a day before your travel. This scheme is your fastest option for immediate travel plans.

Indian Railways provides Tatkal ticket booking for most trains in all reserved classes. You can get last-minute tickets for sleeper, 3AC, 2AC, or 1AC. But remember, Tatkal bookings have limited seats. They are given on a first-come, first-served basis. So, there’s a chance you might not get a seat.

Tatkal ticket booking time for all classes

Tatkal ticket booking starts a day before your journey from the train’s starting station. For instance, if you’re traveling from Kanpur to Delhi on the Rajdhani Patna Express, the journey’s start date is when the train leaves Patna. So if you’re traveling on the 3rd, you can book Tatkal tickets from 10:00 hrs on the 2nd.

The journey date is when the chart is prepared. If the train leaves its origin on the 3rd and you board on the 4th, Tatkal booking starts on the 2nd, not the 3rd.

For AC class tickets (2A/3A/CC/EC/3E), Tatkal booking starts at 10:00 AM. For non-AC classes (SL/FC/2S), it starts at 11:00 AM.

Remember, there’s no Senior Citizen Quota for Tatkal bookings.

Tatkal ticket booking charges

Tatkal ticket booking

How to book Tatkal ticket online through website

  • Go to the IRCTC website –
  • AC class Tatkal tickets booking starts at 10:00 AM.
  • Non-AC class Tatkal tickets booking starts at 11:00 AM.
  • Log in with your IRCTC user ID and password. If you don’t have an account, click “Sign Up” and follow the instructions.
  • After logging in, click “Book Ticket”.
  • Choose “Tatkal” as your booking type. Fill in all details like source station, destination station, and travel date.
  • Pick your preferred train and class.
  • Fill in your details in the passenger section.
  • You can choose your berth preference. But remember, lower berths are often given to elderly people, so you might not get your chosen berth.
  • Review the fare and other details, then click “Proceed to Payment”.
  • You can pay with a credit card, debit card, net banking, UPI, or other options.
  • Confirm your booking.
  • Download your e-ticket and you’re ready to travel.

How to book Tatkal tickets online through IRCTC app

  • Get the IRCTC app on your smartphone and install it.
  • Use the app to log in to your IRCTC account.
  • Pick the “Tatkal Booking” option.
  • Select your train and the date of travel.
  • Enter the needed passenger details.
  • Choose the seat class and berth type you want.
  • Look at the fare details and confirm your booking.
  • Pay for the ticket. You can use a credit card, debit card, or net banking.
  • Wait and check the status of your payment.
  • When your payment is confirmed, download your ticket from the app.

Tatkal ticket cancellation procedure and refund rules

If you cancel a confirmed Tatkal ticket, you won’t get a refund. But if your Tatkal ticket is on the waiting list or in Reservation Against Cancellation (RAC) status, you can cancel it. You need to do this at least 30 minutes before the train departs. Some deductions will apply according to IRCTC rules.

Read Also:  Understanding EC Seats in Trains – Executive Class in Vande Bharat

If your waitlisted Tatkal ticket doesn’t get confirmed or remains in RAC, it will be automatically canceled. You’ll then receive a refund. If your train is delayed by 3 hours or more, or if Indian Railways cancels it, you can file a Ticket Deposit Receipt (TDR) to claim a refund for your Tatkal ticket.

You have the option to book your Tatkal tickets through the IRCTC app or other apps like Paytm.

Tips to get a confirmed Tatkal ticket


Book early. The sooner you book your ticket, the better your chances of securing a seat on the train. For a confirmed tatkal ticket, book at least two days before departure.

Use all your devices. If you have a computer, laptop, or smartphone, use them all to book your ticket. This speeds up the process and increases your chances of getting a confirmed ticket.

Be ready. Have all your personal details and those of your co-passengers at hand. This saves time when filling in the booking form.

Ensure a fast internet connection. A speedy internet connection helps you book your ticket faster. So, check your internet connection before you start booking.

Opt for less popular trains. Booking Tatkal tickets on less popular or lower-demand trains can increase your chances of getting a confirmed ticket.

Be flexible with travel dates. If you can, try to be flexible with your travel dates. Booking tickets on weekdays instead of weekends can help as weekends usually have higher demand.

Choose lower berths. When booking your ticket, opt for lower berths. These are often given preference to senior citizens and can increase your chances of getting a confirmed ticket.

Stay patient. It may take a few attempts to book a confirmed tatkal ticket. Don’t give up if you don’t get a confirmed ticket on the first try. Keep trying and you’ll eventually get a confirmed ticket.


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